Emergency Dental Services
We strive to provide same-day appointments for patients who need an emergency appointment. If you are having an emergency, please do not hesitate to call. We also provide an on-call doctor for any emergencies that may arise over the weekend. A typical emergency appointment is specifically focused on one problem area of the mouth, not the entire mouth. We will take an X-ray and perform an examination to make the correct diagnosis and treat the problem accordingly.
Here are some common dental emergencies that we see frequently
Here are some common dental emergencies that we see frequently
Toothache or Swelling
If you are having pain, we are here to help! We can treat toothache symptoms with antibiotics and pain medications. Often times a painful tooth will require extraction or a root canal. These procedures can be done in office, or sometime we will refer to a specialist for treatment.
Broken Tooth
Broken tooth? Chipped a tooth? Sports or accidental injury? We can examine the problem and let you know the best option for fixing it. Sometimes we can smooth a chipped area. Other times we can fix your tooth in office by doing a filling or a crown.
Sometimes patients will experience discomfort from their Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) or from an erupting tooth. Often times we will take a Panorex to help diagnose the problem.